Hypopressive. Pelvic floor & more.

A unique full body training system for pelvic floor and core health. Don’t let anything hold you back.

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What is Hypopressive?

The Hypopressive training system is a full body approach to restoring and then maintaining your pelvic floor and core health. Hypopressive uses breath, alignment and postures to strengthen the deep muscles of your centre (your core). It strengthens and stabilises your body from the inside out. Hypopressive is for everyone. Don’t let anything hold you back from what you enjoy.

What are the benefits?

Hypopressive has many benefits, it helps you to breathe properly. Prevent and treat pelvic floor dysfunction e.g. prolapse, incontinence. Repair split abdominal muscles, increase core strength - pelvic floor, deep abs and spinal muscles. Increase flexibility, improve posture, reduce waist size and flatten the abdomen. Calm and nourish the nervous system.

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Who’s it for?

Hypopressive is for everyone. The Hypopressive system allows you to work with your body whatever the situation. You may have injury (like I had with a prolapsed spinal disc), prolapse, split abdominal muscles, weak abdomen, constant back pain, incontinence, hernia. Or your body is strong but you need to maintain the inner strength and stability so that you can keep doing what you love. From new mums, to the golden years and to elite athletes this is for you.

One to One Hypopressive


Your own session to practice the unique breathing and alignment that makes hypopressive so effective. Receive personal adjustments and enhance your technique. One to one sessions are highly recommended for everyone before beginning a group class.

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Hypopressive got my life back..

I discovered hypopressive when I prolapsed a disc in my lower back. I was in excruciating pain and barely able to move. With 2 small kids I was in a bad place. My consultant talked about surgery but I knew there had to be another way.

Luckily, I found a local hypopressive teacher. I was committed to healing my back pain. Immediately, I enjoyed being able to do something to help my back. Hypopressive gave me hope. At the start I had to modify the postures in the sequence but little by little I started being able to do more. My physio was amazed at my improvement.

Hypopressive is amazing to help strengthen and maintain your core being. Alignment and breath work with specific movements to strengthen the pelvic floor, deep abdominal and spinal muscles. This helps to stabilise the body so that you can keep doing the things you enjoy.

Three years on and I am now a Level 2 Hypopressive teacher and it’s part of my exercise regime. Hypopressive is the best technique to bring strength to my core stabilising muscles. I can run, jump and keep doing what I enjoy with no barriers. Hypopressive works. Get your life back and continue to enjoy the active fulfilling life you deserve.